Four-Leaf K'lover

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

We Survived

Well, we or should I say me, survived our first day of school. I did really well, until it came time to hug Brynn good-bye. I held on to her for an extended amount of time...she actually pulled away from me=(. Then I turned quickly and walked away, because I did not want her to see me crying....and make it hard for her. Anyway, I walked down to the school to pick her up and the first thing she asks was if she could go to her girlfriends house. I'd say she adjusted just fine. Thanks for all of your support.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Small Group Bloopers

Chris, myself and our children have been blessed for the last three weeks to attend small group at the Bacus'. As most of you know, Jill has a nose earring, which was a hot debate subject...DEP was involved. How do you clean it?, etc. Reese decided he wanted momma and was sitting between Jill and I when he blurted out "What's that?", referring to her earring. A few minutes later he expelled some gas from his bottom and looked at Jill and said "oohh", which was really funny. Poor Jill. Again, a few minutes later he stood in front of the small group and expelled again. I guess what I am trying to say is that is was really nice to have a few laughs amoung family last night. I love you all.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Chris has an employee who is going through some really rough times right now. Please pray for recovery.......only God knows what this man needs. Please also pray for Chris, that he will do the right thing..whatever it is that God wants him to do. I think we take for granted what we have at times....and I just want to take this opportunity to Praise God and thank Him for my many blessings he has given me and for opening my eyes to the "good life". AMEN

Monday, August 15, 2005


This ties into Toms' sermon yesterday about worry. I think women tend to worry more then men, or at least "show it more". BBT

We often think of great faith as something that happens spontaneously so that we can be used for a miracle or healing. However, the greatest faith of all, and the most effective, is to live day by day trusting Him. It is trusting Him so much that we look at every problem as an opportunity to see His work in our life. It is not worrying, but rather trusting and abiding in the peace of God that will crush anything that Satan tries to do to us. If the Lord created the world out of chaos, He can easily deal with any problem that we have.

Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Growing Up

Well, Brynn begins kindergarden this 20 days. This is such a bitter-sweet moment for me as a mom. It is such a huge milestone in her life, and mine. I am "grieving" for my little girl, my toddler, my baby. As I write this tears are streaming down my face. I never imagined how difficult this would be for me. She has been and continues to be such a blessing to us. There is so much for us to look forward to. Wow, my parents used to tell me "you're growing up"..."you're grown up"....but I think it takes having your very own children to realize the impact. Now, I know and understand how they felt. I know this may sound silly to some, but please pray for me, as this is a difficult time for me.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Small Group

Well, the coolest small group meets tonight at the Drew's house if anyone is interested in attending. I am looking forward to the fellowship and hope to see some different faces. See ya ....

P.S. Russ, I think WE have the coolest group.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Let's Pray

Most of you don't know that I am om the preschool board for Little Indians Preschool as the assistant treasurer. Well, we have a new board this year, with only a few of us as returning board members. Tues. was a board meeting and a huge part of the agenda was our budget. Things were getting a little tense and I almost blurted out "let's pray". It was so natural, however I felt as though I was in the Twilight Zone, because I actually was evaluating the people on the board and decided that most of them would not go for this. How sad. I know if I was amoung my church family, this would have been so welcomed. I feel so fortunate to have you guys and gails. Thank you....and be blessed.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Here's a question???

What is the point in saying "may I ask" and then follow it up with a question?

Monday, August 01, 2005

This weekend was a lot of fun. Chris, I and the kids, along with his parents and sister went to Michigan Adventure Park (the water park portion) and had a blast. The water park is really geared for little ones, however Brynn was going on some of the adult rides with no fear. She was a daredevil. I had to keep telling myself that if she could do it, so could I. I recommend the park for anyone, especially with little ones. We drove up Fri. night, stayed in a hotel, and went to the park Sat. Morning, and then drove back home Sat. night. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. Happy August!!!!!!!