Growing Up
Well, Brynn begins kindergarden this 20 days. This is such a bitter-sweet moment for me as a mom. It is such a huge milestone in her life, and mine. I am "grieving" for my little girl, my toddler, my baby. As I write this tears are streaming down my face. I never imagined how difficult this would be for me. She has been and continues to be such a blessing to us. There is so much for us to look forward to. Wow, my parents used to tell me "you're growing up"..."you're grown up"....but I think it takes having your very own children to realize the impact. Now, I know and understand how they felt. I know this may sound silly to some, but please pray for me, as this is a difficult time for me.
I've already thought about that time. Not ready at all. They get big so fast don't they?
Russell, at 2:48 PM
Kel the first one is the hardest. It's hard to let go. I don't want to even think about the day I have to give away my little girls hand in marriage. She can wait until she is 70. Just kidding. :)
Kodiak, at 3:55 PM
Ah Kelly, I know its much harder for the moms then it is the dads.
Mom is generally the one who has been with our little ones the most and usually suffer the most when they leave the house. You will see big changes in your little girl this year and will be amazed at them. The first few days are the worst, but the go by quick enough.
Kevin, at 5:49 PM
Try to embrace this time of passage for comes but once in her lifetime. Know that you have prepared her well to face the challenges of her first experiences outside the loving environment you and Chris have provided for her. She will bring you exciting stories and comments about her days there and they will bring you amazing joy for the most part.
The hardest one for me was when #1 and Wow both went gaily off to the service and college within a couple of weeks of each other. The deafening silence at our house was nearly intolerable for me. You'll do fine and your fridge will be papered with art for many years to come. :>) God be with you..
Tortikat, at 10:26 PM
you know I'm here for you and I will pray for you now.
wowgirl, at 11:46 PM
Hey Kel, You are definately in my prayers on this one. You will do just fine when the time comes. Just hold on to the hand of the savior and everything will be alright. BBT
Doug E. Pudge, at 4:50 AM
I cried today just looking at a picture of my daughter, and she is 25!
where's jim?, at 1:29 PM
You can still Home School. :)
Kodiak, at 2:13 PM
It is not silly. This is a special milestone in both of your lives and their will be more tender moments to come. Dakota has now left elementary all together and will be going to the junior high(fear and trepidation for me). This past May I recall sitting in his class as they did a presentation and I balled like a baby (Vincent was even teary eyed). When Kota was in kindergarten I had to tell Vincent we needed to leave an open house cause I was crying so hard. I think I will probably cry at homecoming this October cause Nicholas will turn 16 and is playing Varsity football(his bday falls on the game day). Where does the time go??
michelle, at 3:38 PM
a great new adventure begins.. forgotten lunches, calls from school to pick up a sick Brynne. Checking for lice.. Oh the fun to come.. I can't wait for the new posts. seriously.. God will bless both you and Brynne with the new experiences. Plus you have one less to discipline at home while she is at school.
Pete, at 8:24 AM
It does not sound silly at all. Laura and I were talking yesterday about the kids starting preschool and we both were saddened. I will continue to pray for you on this.
Swinging Sammy, at 6:47 AM
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