If money was not an issue, what would be something you would do for someone else?
This actually involves Chris and I. If Chris' buisness is blessed (and please pray with us about this) we would like to have our own chapter of Habitat for Humanity and offer our labor and services free of charge. That is our goal and dream.
This actually involves Chris and I. If Chris' buisness is blessed (and please pray with us about this) we would like to have our own chapter of Habitat for Humanity and offer our labor and services free of charge. That is our goal and dream.
Kelly, you and Chris have such big hearts it is unbelievable! You both have been such a huge blessing to me over these last couple of years and I love you guys soooooooo much! Keep on being who God has made you and let him continue to shine. BBT
Doug E. Pudge, at 6:55 AM
can u do our dormer 1st?? We'll pay u in fellowship and chicken salad:))
God bless u 2. Its an awesome goal.
Sam and I would love to do medical mission work.
wowgirl, at 7:31 AM
I would go back to Kenya
Kodiak, at 7:34 AM
Yes, and 3 pizzas for the kids.
seriously, that is an awesome aspiration. Bless as you are blessed.
Swinging Sammy, at 9:51 AM
I would like to do more anonymous helping people I know on a grander scale. Once I provided the money anonymously to a lady I knew to buy some new glasses when her purse was stolen. She had no money left at all and her husband was unemployed. I did this by mailing her a card from another city with cash for glasses and groceries etc. with a note. The best part was this lady worked for me and never knew I did it. I had the pleasure of witnessing her wonderment at who has done this thing for her. She does not know to this day who did it. These types of things give me great joy. If money was no object I would do even greater things.
Tortikat, at 11:06 AM
We would do missionary work here and abroad. I would love to volunteer with a dental group and help kids with oral problems. The plans are for us to do some missionary work when the kids graduate(God willing). Which reminds me that one of them will graduate in 2007 ughhh!!! have an awesome week you guys.
michelle, at 2:12 PM
Hi Michelle Gonzales,
How long have you been blogging? I love it.
Four-Leaf K' lover, at 3:12 PM
I've thought about this a million times! I really love, like Tortikat, the secret blessings. I'd also like to be involved in that Habitat project. I can carry nails like nobodys business.
If I had to choose right this second, I guess I would set up some sort of scholarship fund for kids to attend college. Those school loans are a bear. Trust me, I'm smack dab in the middle of them!! Start saving now Michelle! :) (actually, Nick is much smarter and talented than I ever was...he'll probably get a full ride somewhere!)
Russell, at 7:28 AM
russ, I officially declare you the "nail carrier". I'm liking it.
Four-Leaf K' lover, at 12:06 PM
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