Your Most Embarrassing Moments
I know many of you have embarrassing moments, so lets take today to share with others. I would love to share some of mine, but Chris has me beat in this skilled department, so I will share with you (I have his permission). It all began ten years ago when Chris and I went out on a blind date with a group of friends. We volunteered to go to the store for a few items and as we approached the check out counter, Chris dropped two-one gallon milk jugs on the floor and the cartons broke of course, all over me=). This weekend did consist of jet skiing. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Another incident that is overwhelming remenicent is when Chris walked into the door jam at our house on Center Dr. We had been living there for a few months and he was on the computer at night, he was "temporarily blinded" when he shut the lights and gave a self-inflicted black eye. The most common question at the time was "Was this a domestic dispute?" What are your moments??? There are more with Chris, but I'll leave that for another time.
LOL. I am almost to tears.. It will take me some time to dig something up that good. I have one most people probably already know it but it will take some time to share. later today.
Pete, at 6:49 AM
I'm going to give it some thought and get back with you. In the mean time, why don't you post more on Chris. Like his "lightheadedness" in the hospital...I loved that one!
Russell, at 7:32 AM
So many moments so little time. When I was about 21 I was a youth minister for the summer with a church in Monroe, MI. We decided to go out to a park for a picnic one Sunday after church. During this picnic a softball game broke out. I was doing very well and it was my turn to bat, and oh by the way the pair of shorts I was wearing were just a little baggy on me and I didn't have on a belt. The incident happened while rounding third and heading for home! You know the advise that your mom always gave you about wearing clean underware, take it to heart! BBT
Doug E. Pudge, at 8:35 AM
Oh, DEP, You are one crazy dude. That's what we love about you. Thanks for sharing=)
Four-Leaf K' lover, at 8:43 AM
I'll have to think on one that happened to me directly. but one comes to mind that I was witness to a number of years ago. I remember when Wow was a little girl her father was in the habit of eating rather large quantities of milk chocolate stars nightly. One day Wow got up early and was distressed to find that her dad had eaten every single chocolate star in the entire house. Apparently deciding revenge was called for..she taped a sign on his back that said..."I ate a WHOLE bag of stars!" He unknowingly wore the sign to work and for the rest of the!
Tortikat, at 9:03 AM
It occurred to me you ought to share one of Chris's most embarrassing moments each week!! Just think of the comments and traffic that would check in just to get a little peak into what must be some of life most precious moments. Oh me?? One of mine involved my face also. Something about kissing a bumper...
where's jim?, at 9:27 AM
The stories I could share but time does not permit. When I was in the US Coast Guard we were underway, there were about eight others with me in the engine room all wearing our Mickey Mouse hearing protection. Suddenly a light bulb went out, upon my noticing the darkened light bulb I went over, remove the bulb guessed it, out of habit, I brought the light bulb up to my ear (still with hearing protection on) and shook the bulb to verify it was bad. Upon realizing I could not hear the rattling of the filiment, I tossed out the bulb. As I turned around, everyone was rolling in laughter. I had a good laugh and I even had a characuture drawn depicting the event. I wish I had that drawing.
Kodiak, at 10:50 AM
this might be alittle long because I need to set the setting. Harding springsing. In the evening there was a devotional in one of the open place on campus. So the youth group was in attendance as well as several other hundred people. We got good seats on the grass right in the front. As we sat and worshiped I felt my right leg start to fall asleep. I mean my whole leg from my foot all the way up to my backside. I tried repostioning myself several times, nothing was working. Finally as the student speaking was giving his final point of how he wished that he had told a fellow student about Christ before he died in a accident, I couldn't sit anymore. I had to move. So I stood up and took one step. It felt weird. I heard my foot hit with a thud, but I didn't actually feel it. I looked down at my leg expecting it not to be there. So I took another step and I couldn't feel if my right leg was following me our not. So I bent over and grabbed my leg with both hands so as to make sure it was with me, and hobbled my way in front of the whole assymboly to the side of the group. Now this sight set several people in our group to laughing. So much that they were doubled over and holding on to trees.
Pete, at 11:51 AM
:) Pedro, that was CLASSIC!
Russell, at 12:20 PM
I wish I could have been there for that , Pete.
Kodiak-That is pretty funny, and somehow I can relate to that--scary.
Tortikat-Wow has always had the ability to say how it was/is!!!
Four-Leaf K' lover, at 12:53 PM
Oh Jim, I think I know what you are talking about, but won't you share just to be sure??!!
Four-Leaf K' lover, at 12:54 PM
Most of the time when I try to speak Spanish I get embarrased. For instance, once I was trying to show off and I told a girl to "Queso mi mucho". Another time I was trying to tell a mostly Spanish speaking girl that I liked something and what I actually was telling her was that I liked her. She got flush and left.
Oh well, I guess I should stick to English instead of Spanglish.
BTW-Queso means Cheese, Beso means Kiss
Russell, at 1:08 PM
those are already know too many of mine, I'll have to think about it, But I'm with Jim, I could handle a weekly Chris-ism...and of course leave it to my mom to use this as an opportunity to embarrass me:)
wowgirl, at 2:54 PM
Awwwwwwwww were a hilarious kid..! :>)))
Tortikat, at 4:20 PM
perhaps K should share some of her embarrassing moments, I could name a few!
Swinging Sammy, at 8:20 PM
I need to edit them first. oh by the way, where are your moments.???
Four-Leaf K' lover, at 9:13 PM
My moments are in the annals of the Walsh record. I have quite a few.
My worst one is from a while ago, in my less than Christian behavior days:
I was walking back up from the flats in Cleveland. We had done a sort of pub crawl, and I was not very "with it."
As I was walking up a steep hill, I noticed that the sidewalk was rapidly approaching my face. I thought, "Hmmm, that shouldn't be there." Next thing I knew, I was feeling some pain in my ribs. It hurt pretty bad for the next 4 weeks or so as my ribs healed. No way to hide that faux pas.
Swinging Sammy, at 9:00 AM
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