The Boss
This is for the Star Wars buff. My three year old was doing headstands on my couch and I told him that I prefer him to perform his acrobats on the floor. He continued to ignore me, so my voice became stern and Brett sat down on the couch and looked at me with a very serious face and told me that "The Boss" (Darth Vader) told him to do it. What an imagination....and of course I couldn't help but laugh. Now, "The Boss" is blamed for many things around here.
If Darth is the boss how do you ask for a day off? Sounds dangerous to me. Stay away from the dark side Luke! BBT
Doug E. Pudge, at 3:31 PM
Things You'll never hear Darth Vader say...
- "Whaaaaaaaat's uuuuuuuuuuuuup!"
- "Here come the Men in Black..." (with dance movements)
- Yes, Judge Judy, I'm sueing the Emperor for pains caused during the last time we were together...
- (Ring...Ring) Hi...John? This is Darth Vader from Who wants to be a Galactic Millionaire?
- "Wait..wait....eyelash!"
- "Now where did I leave my diapers... Oh dear, I need to get myself some new ones!"
- "Look boss, the plane, the plane!"
- "Whoops, sorry, wrong number... Whoahahahahaha!"
- "Paper or plastic?"
- "Oop's, I've farted. I can't get this d*** helmet off....Stop tape....uh uhh help!"
- "Hey Yoda, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsiepop?"
- "Time out! My lightsaber ran out of batteries."
- (in Jabba's voice) "Ka na wang chi kok pa!"
- "Vader, Darth Vader"
- "I shall destroy your planet unless you pay me 1 billion dollars!"
(pinky placed aginst bottom lip)
- "What 'chu talkin bout Willis?"
- "Excuse me, do they have this suit in white??"
- "You? My son, what is this America's funniest homevideos?"
- "Luke........I'm gay"
- "Black is slimming, right? RIGHT?"
- "I'm picking up good vibrations.."
- "Bud....Weis....errrrr"
- "Ouch! That d*** lightsaber tickles!!!"
- "How can you be SURE I'm Dave Prowse under this helmet?"
- "My Lightsaber's, it's Greased Lightning!"
- "Anybody seen my glasses...?"
- "I am Hans Vader and he is Frans Vader and we're gonna PUMP (clap) you up!!"
- "Would you like to super size that order ?"
- "I'll get you my pretty, and your little Jedi Yoda too!"
- "Once upon a time there lived this beautiful princess..."
- "Hey, buddy, spare any change ?"
- "I'm darth Vader and I'll destroy any planet for $99.95"
- "You should've seen how bad I looked before the plasic surgery."
- "I'll take Star Trek for 100, Alex"
- "If you will not help me bring order to the galaxy then maybe your brother, Bill Gates, will before he takes it over himself."
- "Luke, I am your father, but if the tax collecter comes, I am your long lost half-brother."
- "Doh!"
- "Can I pet your ewok?"
- "I'm not only the president of the helmet club for men, I'm also a client!!"
- "That poster does have two suns on it..."
- "Jerry!!, Jerry!!, Jerry!!"
- "Hi, I'm Darth, and I'm an alcoholic..."
- "My ding-a-ling my ding-a-ling, I want to play with my ding-a-ling!!"
- "Yes friends, now you can own this amazing Tie Fighter Club..."
- "What's the number for Weight Watchers?"
- "How do I get this d*** suit off I have to take a leak."
- "I AM Batman!!!"
- "Yeah, Baby!"
- "Beam me up Scotty"
- "Does my bum look big in this ?"
- "Luke , I'm your father , I made myself disappear because I didn't wanna pay for your education."
- "Ever think of using a skin cream, Emperor? You look like h***."
- "Oh my god, they killed Kenny! You Rebels!!"
- "L'Oreal, cause I'm worth it."
- "Uh, oh! I broke a nail!"
- "I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay!"
- "Y-M-C-A,..." (Body & hand motions included)
- "Macho, macho man! I've got to be a macho man...."
- "Martini, shaken not stirred"
- "ME, ME, ME pay attention to ME!!!"
- "Did you ever have that not so fresh feeling?"
- "Go ahead! Have no faith in the Force! See if I care!"
- "Has anyone seen my inhaler?"
- "Impressive...most impressive. Can you do that again ?"
- "You should not have come back. But, since you're here, let's
shake hands and call it even."
- "Wow! Neat!"
- "What does that button do?"
- "I'm thirsty. Let's get a Coke."
- "Here's looking at you, kid."
- "Are you the keymaster?"
- "Well, excuuuuuuuuuse me!"
- "Is it just me, or is it getting warm in here?"
- "I'm sorry."
- "I was reading in rec.arts.sf.starwars.misc today..."
- "Anyone for tennis ?"
- "Commander, I am just popping out to the little boys room."
- "I was dancing in the disco bumber to bumber, wait a minute,
where's my lightsaber ?"
- "Chewing Gum anyone?"
- "Knock. Knock..."
- "Superkalifragilisticexpeealladocious...."
- "Anyone got any AA bateries for my lightsader?"
- "Luke, I am your father. And here's all your old birthday
- "Well, yes, we COULD blow up Alderaan. But how about I send
them a strongly worded letter instead."
- "Hey, Luke.... Take a walk on the Dark Side..."
- "Mongo, no! Never kill a customer."
- "You are Disssssspicable"
- "Ooh! I tought I taw a Skywalker."
- "What's up Doc?"
- "Shhh. I'm hunting for webels. Huh huh."
- "I'm getting to old for this!"
- "I'll be back" (with Austrian accent)
- "Damn, it's raining. I must go inside or I'll rust!"
- "I feel like wearing Pastels today ..."
- "Yes, it does hurt when you knock on my helmet"
- "Want to see pictures of my kids?"
- "I feel like a Tic Tac."
- "Oh, I'm sorry, my mistake."
- "You know, I think I need a hug."
- "Put on a Happy Face!"
- "Oh, screw searching for the Rebels. We're going to Tahiti!"
- "What I really want to do is direct."
- "This is CNN International...." (WAIT a minute)
- "Did I do that?"
- "Would you like fries with that?"
- "I'll take what's behind curtain number 3."
- "Have you played X-Wing yet ?"
- "Does this armor make me look fat?"
- "Admiral Ozzel is as clumsy as he is...whoa...whoooooa...
whaaaaaaaa!" (trips over his cape and falls)
- "Hey BEN! Look everybody, it's Ben Kenobi! Long time no see,
howya been Ben ol buddy! Hey, howbout we break out them
lightsabers and go a coupla rounds just fer ol time's sake,
whaddya say? I been practicing on that swing...."
- "Kowabunga, dude!"
- "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas!"
- "Do my socks match?"
- "The sun will come out... tomorrow..."
- "Shut up, I'm trying to watch Star Trek!"
- "Luke, you were an accident"
- "I'll love you..tomorrow, tomorrow,
I'll love you, it's only a day away."
where's jim?, at 5:53 PM
So where do you get your information??
Four-Leaf K' lover, at 8:14 PM
gotta be google.
by the way, at least B2 didn't wave his hand and say (in his best Obiwan voice) "This is not the couch you're looking at."
Swinging Sammy, at 8:43 PM
Are you refering to the head tater himself? Boss "aka Darth" Tater? That spud is evil I tell you...
Russell, at 9:54 PM
Very evil....I must convince Brett of this, but the Taters outfit and breathing style is very interesting to a three year old, or 34 yr. old. Did I say that??
Four-Leaf K' lover, at 10:14 PM
"He's more chemical than vegetable now."
Swinging Sammy, at 7:38 AM
where's Jim...I believe he is laid up with about the most severe case of pop-culture diarrhea I have seen
wowgirl, at 6:00 PM
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