Family Time
Well, I have officially entered the Blogging World.........
Chris, the children and I had a wonderful mini-vacation in South Haven, Mi. The weather was beautiful and the water was freezing:) The kids fell asleep on the beach, buying mom and dad some quiet time. The only true mishap was that I left my wallet in a gas station bathroom in Marshall. Thanks Be To God, that there are still honest people in the world and my wallet was turned into the police dept., everything still there, including cash. Hope everyone had a great 4th of July..Happy Birthday Swinging Sammy.
Chris, the children and I had a wonderful mini-vacation in South Haven, Mi. The weather was beautiful and the water was freezing:) The kids fell asleep on the beach, buying mom and dad some quiet time. The only true mishap was that I left my wallet in a gas station bathroom in Marshall. Thanks Be To God, that there are still honest people in the world and my wallet was turned into the police dept., everything still there, including cash. Hope everyone had a great 4th of July..Happy Birthday Swinging Sammy.
welcome dude
Swinging Sammy, at 6:18 AM
and thanks for the birthday wishes!
Swinging Sammy, at 6:54 AM
Well, finally. We have been waiting for you. Finally something for you to do in you spare time. And as for Slammy, he does not look any older!!!And as for your wallet, just another fine example of our Sovereign Lord and his legion of angels looking out for one of his dearest children. Pass the syrup, please.
where's jim?, at 8:54 AM
Welcome to my nightmare, I mean neighborhood. Good to have you aboard! BBT
Doug E. Pudge, at 9:29 AM
Russell, at 9:41 AM
Hey Kelli..welcome to blog world! Sorry we didn't get to see you over the weekend. Kev and I made one of our flyby crazy trips to Michigan to help Sam celebrate his 30th birthday. Here's hoping all is well with you and Chris..take care and see you next time!
Tortikat, at 11:44 AM
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