What really bugs you???
Sundays are my favorite days. We have the opportunity to worship our God with great people, fellowship with wonderful people and hear inspiring messages from a very gifted man. Most of the people have smiles on their faces and are happy to see you and vice versa. You feal really awesome when you leave. Then the world hits you in the face. I'm still smiling and people look at me like "what do you have to be happy about?". Anyway, I usually have a smile on my face and must remember that the people who don't smile or say hello back, need the smile even more. As DEP would say BBT.
we really look for reciprocity, and when we don't get it, the first response is usually to give Mr. Krabs "a dose of his own medicine." I definitely need to remember that the crabby person needs my smile more than I need his frown.
Swinging Sammy, at 9:45 AM
I usually hear Dory say "well aren't you mr/mrs Grump Gills." Whch makes m smile even more. Besides it make's them wonder what I've been up to.;)
Kodiak, at 9:59 AM
Well put Sam....Man I missed our church yesterday.
wowgirl, at 11:52 AM
Hey, not only did I have the blessing of our time at services but I also spent a good part of the afternoon with Pastor and Mrs. Hawkins. Then our small group started up again at the home of Jeff and Heather B. What a blessing these people are to me. We've decided to go with a pretty straight up worship and bible study format for awhile. We're covering the book of First Corinthians. Anyone interested please come on out. BBT
Doug E. Pudge, at 2:37 PM
Kelly, I honestly dont recall a time when there wasnt a smile on your face. It has to be one of your best qualities. Ive always known the secret to your happiness.
Kevin, at 5:34 PM
Smiles are contagious too, Kelly. I love making funny low comments to grumpy-looking people in public places..just to see if I can get them to smile or even chuckle. It works often! :>)
Tortikat, at 8:11 PM
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