Peaceful moment
This morning was an awesome morning. Chris and I were talking about work, and in the meantime Reese destroyed a pair of Chris' sunglasses. Chris became very angry and I could see that he was having a tough morning (before the sunglass incident). He mentioned in passing that he did not pray this morning. So I said "lets' pray together". He sat down across from me, we held hands and he prayed aloud. I could feel the Holy Spirit working, and wave of peace. The household is more peaceful now. Kodiaks blog yesterday really has me thinking (uh-oh), and we took a time-out from insanity to worship our Lord, at what a difference. GIG.
Russell, at 9:37 AM
ATT, gret Blog, Kel...sound advice for us ALL...maybe me in particular:)
wowgirl, at 10:00 AM
You know, it's the mornings that I forget to glorify the Father that seem to be the most difficult for me. I agree that this is sound advise for even us old timers. BBT
Doug E. Pudge, at 1:21 PM
I like this prayer:
Lord, so far today I haven't gotten mad, the kids haven't fought, I haven't missed doing something my wife asked. But Lord I need to get out of bed sometime and from then on I'm gonna need you right beside me. Amen
Kodiak, at 5:47 PM
Love it Kodiak!!!!!
Four-Leaf K' lover, at 7:30 PM
Yup, I try to say at least Hello God!! before my feet hit the floor!!!
where's jim?, at 8:35 PM
Mrs Nevins, One of the worst things a man can indure is the loss of the pair of sunglasses. It so happens that the favorite thing for a toddler to destrory are those same glasses. My youngest is a toddler of 16 yrs, just last night he sat on my some what expensive perscription sunglasses which because of his age and the fact that he his bigger then me cost him a smack upside the head followed by a more devistating hug and a kiss. Tell Chris to leave them out of reach say on the Fridge !
Kevin, at 5:09 PM
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