The Electric Man
Every month around this time, a strange man is found wondering my backyard. I am beginning to wonder why I am still shocked to see him. The only way to access my electric meter is through the fence and around to the side of my house. I think he needs to wear a shirt that reads "I'm the electric man, do not be afraid", for those already stressed out moms. My initial reaction is to grab my children and duck. "Why??" I ask myself. This happens monthly. Anyway, I will work through this to. Have a great day.
Hey, I'd rather you not get used to people you don't know just walking into your back yard. Keeping that home safe for you and those youngins is a big job! BBT
Doug E. Pudge, at 11:06 AM
Thanks for looking out for us Amy=).
Four-Leaf K' lover, at 1:08 PM
The water meter reader got me last week. I was sitting at the computer, and I saw a dude standing right outside the window. As I reached for my trusty .38, I realized who he was. JK, but he did startle me!
Swinging Sammy, at 1:22 PM
that better be a brand name of a sling shot!!!!!!!
wowgirl, at 2:29 PM
I'm sure Sam was talking about the Trusty P-38 can opener found in a C-ration. It would surly frighten an aggressive intruder away when wielded properly.
Kevin, at 5:28 PM
Kelly, next time you see him back there go ask him if he could knock on the door and let you know that he's going back there. They get requests like that all the time I'm sure.
Kevin, at 5:31 PM
JK=Just Kidding
Swinging Sammy, at 5:42 PM
That reminds me..I once witnessed a heroic deed on Wow's behalf. She was a tiny girl and feeding some friendly geese part of her picnic lunch at a zoo park we visited. Suddenly the geese started coming too close to her snapping their beaks. Poor Wow was terrified. Suddenly her daddy jumped up and began screaming at the squawking, flapping geese. They were completely unmoved by his efforts. He happened to be eating Pringles at the time and quick as a wink..he waved the can at the geese and began yelling even louder again to get their attention by scaring them away. Instead..the open can of Pringles flew out in an amazing fan of chips reminincent of a peacock's tail. The geese stopped dead in their tracks. It was almost like time stood still for a few seconds..then suddenly all the geese scurried in a frenzy towards Wow's dad. Luckily they went for the chips and not him. We all made a very swift departure. Needless to say Wow's dad has never lived down saving his darling daughter by throwing pringles at her predators. :>)
Tortikat, at 10:19 PM
With over 25 years in the electric meter business, I have a perspective on this. There was a time when people actually looked forward to the meter reader stopping by to visit. I many communities the meter was actually inside the house and the meter reader had to get in. In Cincinnati, the electric company had literally thousands of keys to people's homes so they could get into the basement and read the meter. Today things are different. Utilities are installing radios on their meters so all they have to do is drive by and collect the read. On the other hand, meter readers have reported and prevented many crimes, they inspect your service as they come by and report possible hazzards to your home and family and are typically civic minded hardworking individuals. The city is now installing radios (albeit an inferior brand) so eventually they will not have to come into your yard to read your water meter.
where's jim?, at 6:29 AM
It always made me double take when I saw footsteps going to the back of my house after a nice snowfall in the winter. I always walk back there to see if someone tried getting into my back door or something. You'd think we'd learn...
Russell, at 7:12 AM
Thank you for all your input.
Four-Leaf K' lover, at 8:47 AM
Remember never talk to strangers.
Kodiak, at 8:35 PM
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