If you could.....
If you could change one thing about your life, whether it was past or present, what would it be??
I would have taken more of an interest in our Lord sooner. Growing up as a Catholic did not encourage as much personal growth as I felt that I needed. In fact, Chris and I were so discouraged that we stopped going to church altogether, except Christmas and Easter. Then our good friends Sam and Laura invited us to come to Church of Christ. Even then I was wasn't sure about this church. I wasn't used to all of the singing that went on. I am so glad that we decided to become members of Church of Christ and now New Song, because our independence to worship as we feel we need to has increased beyond belief. I even held my hands up (partially=)) during one of the services. That is alot for me to do. This was a step out in faith, and trusting my husband that he was leading us in the direction he felt that God wanted us to go.
I would have taken more of an interest in our Lord sooner. Growing up as a Catholic did not encourage as much personal growth as I felt that I needed. In fact, Chris and I were so discouraged that we stopped going to church altogether, except Christmas and Easter. Then our good friends Sam and Laura invited us to come to Church of Christ. Even then I was wasn't sure about this church. I wasn't used to all of the singing that went on. I am so glad that we decided to become members of Church of Christ and now New Song, because our independence to worship as we feel we need to has increased beyond belief. I even held my hands up (partially=)) during one of the services. That is alot for me to do. This was a step out in faith, and trusting my husband that he was leading us in the direction he felt that God wanted us to go.
Thanks for your openness. You guys are a blessing on everyone that knows you!!
I'd probably change my perspective I kept while in college. I could learned so much more educationally and theologically and spiritually and relationally. I really missed out on a lot of opportunities there.
Like the saying goes, if I knew then what I knew now...
Russell, at 12:30 PM
Dearest Kelly, there are soooooooooo many things that I would do different that I could not even begin to list them. The problem is that all of those stupid mistakes that I have made over the years have helped to make me who I am today. Although I am far from being the man I ought to be, I am at least closer than I was a year ago and my hope is that I can say the same thing next year! BBT
Doug E. Pudge, at 1:24 PM
no regrets baby!
Those "mistakes" are what God uses to teach us where He wants us, and what he wants for us. I am so glad that you guys said "yes" when we asked you!
Swinging Sammy, at 4:48 PM
Spend less time working and more time enjjoying family and friends.
Kodiak, at 7:02 PM
Amy Jo...just one of the guys! LOL!!
Russell, at 8:10 PM
Great blog...but I'm with my hubby on this one...I'm sometimes sad that I turned away from God so many times, but I truly believe that I am a product of my experiences (all) and my present life is soooooo amazing that I can't think of anything I really would want or need to change.
Besides...it could be dangerous...havent you seen The Time Machine???
And Amy...it gets harder for everyone to extend ourselves as we age. It was really hard for me to walk across the street to talk to Kel those first few times...but what a payoff:) You and Pete are welcome to come over anytime for dinner...we'd love to have you!! Chicks need chicks!!
wowgirl, at 7:31 AM
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