Upset Momma
I received a phone call this morning at work that Tecumseh Schools were on "lockdown" and school authorities/police were not revealing any info at the time. I have a very good friend who was taking Brynn to school for me, so they remained in the vehicle until further notice. Turns out there was bomb threat. Supposedly, everthing has been cleared and students were allowed to enter buildings and go to class. Needless to say, Brynn is at home for the day. After the shootings that have been on the news and know this, I truly have to say I have such an uneasy feeling sending my children to school. We are still trying to explain to Brynn what has happened without scaring her. School is supposed to be a "safe" learning environment". Brynn asked if there were "guns" at school. I broke down in tears. Why does a six year old have to be afraid of guns in her school??? As you can tell, I am still very upset and shakened by this mornings events. The evilness that continues to infiltrate into our communities/country is unacceptable. I ask that we pray for those families that have lost loved ones due to these recent events, as well as, safety in our school systems. Thanks for listening/reading...and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!
Some say it was a drill...but why would a drill be scheduled on "national walk your child to school" day, during a thunderstorm. We were all in suspense as to what was going on, and again, if it was a drill, don't you think that could have been shared as you are standing outside with your child in the rain. I know that some will say they don't want to cause panic...but the fact that this appears to be a "brush under the rug" situation really makes my blood boil. I want the truth and I want to be properly informed. Okay, I'm done=). Have a great day.
Four-Leaf K' lover, at 12:02 PM
Jackie and I were discussing this issue earlier. I mentioned that I hate to send our children to school and leaning towards home schooling. Fact is we need God in America, again!
Missed you and your family on Sunday.
Kodiak, at 5:33 PM
You know, when I was growing up the worst thing that I had to worry about was getting into any kind of trouble and my parents finding out about it. I must admit that there was not one time that I went to school and was concerned whether or not someone had a gun or a bomb! We need to keep all of this held up in prayer. B4T
Doug E. Pudge, at 7:04 AM
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