I have heard many accounts of ghosts from personal friends and have always thought to myself "glad it wasn't me." As most of you may know, our house was built in 1880 and everything has been fine until about 6 months ago. Every night when I do a house check (let dog inside, lock doors, check on kiddos, etc.) my basement light is on 99% of the time. There are days when the basement door is not even opened up...therefore the light should not be on. The light switch is just high enough where the kids aren't intrigued by it. My only guess....must be a ghost. I really do not know what the explaination is. Do you believe in ghosts (spirits)?? If so, why and please share any personal experiences you may have.
I've had a few experiences myself. One particularly frightening one happened a few weeks ago. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I was being watched. When I glanced over the side of my bed, there was an old man staring down at me with a rather angry look on his face. He was sort of hazy and disproportionately tall. I would have written it off as a dream, if it hadn't taken so long to disappear. Like to tell you that I simply stared in amazement, thinking..."how fascinating"...but no...screamed my head off!!!
wowgirl, at 6:36 AM
Not so sure about this topic. I believe there is enough scripture to say "I don't think so" but then you get peoples personal experiences and it's hard to explain them away. In my case the jury is still out on this topic. B4T
Doug E. Pudge, at 7:06 AM
We're definately not the only ones out there. No personal experiences however.
Russell, at 7:24 AM
I am very skeptical, yet at the same time very intrigued by paranormal activity (ie ghosts). I recently went on a haunted night out in Wycombe (UK) at some caves. These caves were used as a "Hellfire" club - rock and roll of the 1800's - and Benjamin Franklin used to attend. It was a weird night - very atmostpheric place - there were weird noises (dog howling / resonant booms / children playing) and some knocking on the wall. However i dont think i would believe myself until a ghost grabbed me, slapped me and went BOO!!!.
Matt, at 9:36 AM
You know it occurred to me having lived in new homes and old homes, I believe there is some "presence" in a "pre-lived-in" or "used" home. I have lived in probably 15 different homes or houses and some are warm and inviting and some are not. We have a door (to the kids room upstairs) that seems to want to be open and you know we have a light in the basement that seems to be on a lot for some reason. The only way I can tell it is on is that I can see it through the cold air return in the sitting room. We prayed about our new home and we pray that God will bless those that enter. It is a little spooky staying there alone though. Lots of nice creaky noises. Reminds me of the cowardly lion in the Wizard of Oz...Well IDYBT IMBO
where's jim?, at 6:37 PM
I have had multiple experiences with otherworldly beings. I am a child of God, and nothing is able to hurt me, I have no fear of that type of stuff.
Swinging Sammy, at 6:54 PM
Ghosts and light...they gotta see to scare you. LOL
Mathew Hawkins...I love the ghost story
My sister swears there was a ghost in our attic in Baraga, kept seeing lights on. She hated that house. I slept near the attic door never bothered me. I would even play ghost games with them. I even dabbled in the occult for a while. Not sure how much was me and if any thing was a ghost.
Not let me get the ghost out of my laptop and save this document for the 5th time. I agree with Hawkman though
Kodiak, at 12:00 AM
Yes I believe in "spirits". Yes we have had experiences with them, good and bad. It is easy to say that you won't get scared when something happens to you personally. However, a natural part of ourselves freak out and then realization will take over as we start to quote scripture and pray! God is bigger than the boogey man is also a good song to start singing.
michelle, at 3:43 PM
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