Four-Leaf K'lover

Thursday, September 29, 2005

A Time for Everything

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
at time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

Ecc 3:1-8

Monday, September 26, 2005

Lost and Found

This morning, like many other school morning was hectic. Waking children up, feeding them breakfast, getting them dressed, ect... times three 1/2. Brynn is independent, I just have to give her timely reminders. It was time to take Brett to preschool and we could not find one of his shoes..looked everwhere in the house, in the car....not to be found. I'm frantic, because I do not like to be late anywhere and if I did not find this shoe, we were going to be late. I stopped what I was doing, and said "God please help me find this shoe" and when I opened my eyes, there it was. God is Good. He works in large and small ways, and this morning was just an example of the small, but grateful ways. Thank You God for all you do. AMEN

Friday, September 23, 2005


I can not seem to find my page!!!!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Angels Amoung Us

Ever hear an angel's wings flutter?
This was written by a Hospice of Metro Denver physician.

I just had one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and wanted to share it with my family and dearest friends:
I was driving home from a meeting this evening about 5, stuck in traffic on Colorado Blvd., and the car started to choke and splutter and die - I barely managed to coast, cursing, into a gas station, glad only that I would not be blocking traffic and would have a somewhat warm spot to wait for the tow truck. It wouldn't even turn over.

Before I could make the call, I saw a woman walking out of the "quickie mart" building, and it looked like she slipped on some ice and fell into a gas pump, so I got out to see if she was okay. When I got there, it looked more like she had been overcome by sobs than that she had fallen; she was a young woman who looked really haggard with dark circles under her eyes. She dropped something as I helped her up, and I picked it up to give it to her. It was a nickel.

At that moment, everything came into focus for me: the crying woman, the ancient Suburban crammed full of stuff with 3 kids in the back (1 in a car seat), and the gas pump reading $4.95.

I asked her if she was okay and if she needed help, and she just kept saying "I don't want my kids to see me crying," so we stood on the other side of the pump from her car. She said she was driving to
California and that things were very hard for her right now.

So I asked, "And you were praying?" That made her back away from me a little but I assured her I was not a crazy person and said, "He heard you, and He sent me."

I took out my card and swiped it through the card reader on the pump so she could fill up her car completely, and while it was fueling walked to the next door McDonald's and bought 2 big bags of food, some gift certificates for more, and a big cup of coffee. She gave the food to the kids in the car who attacked it like wolves, and we stood by the pump eating fries and talking a little.

She told me her name, and that she lived in
Kansas City. Her ! boyfriend left 2 months ago and she had not been able to make ends meet. She knew she wouldn't have money to pay rent Jan 1, and finally in desperation had finally called her parents, with whom she had not spoken in about 5 years. They lived in California and said she could come live with them and try to get on her feet there. So she packed up everything she owned in the car. She told the kids they were going to California for Christmas, but not that they were going to live there.

I gave her my gloves, a little hug and said a quick prayer with her for safety on the road. As I was walking over to my car, she said, "So, are you like an angel or something?"

This definitely made me cry. I said, "Sweetie, at this time of year angels are really busy, so sometimes God uses regular people." It was so incredible to be a part of someone else's miracle. And of course, you guessed it, when I got in my car it started right away and got me
home with no problem. I'll put it in the shop tomorrow to check, but I suspect the mechanic won't find anything wrong. "

Sometimes angels fly close enough to you that you can hear the flutter of their wings.

Psalms 55:22 "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."

There is no cost but a lot of rewards, let's continue to pray for one another.

Here is the prayer:
"Father, I ask You to bless my children, grandchildren, friends, relatives and email buddies reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.

Where there is self doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace, In Jesus' precious name. Amen."
Being blessed is GOOD...being HIGHLY FAVORED is best!

Don't settle!

Four Leaf K"lover says: I believe there are angels doing God's work daily. Do any of you have any stories to share?? I would love to hear about them=).

Monday, September 19, 2005

Celebration Sunday

What a wonderful day!!!!!! Capture rocks....sounded awesome. Lots of people there with green shirts sharing what we know. Lots of snacks, drinks and SMILES. Beautiful day.......DEP was encouraging. Many children=)))). Great fellowship and yummy ice cream...MMMMMMMMMM. Silly clowns that kept the lines coming. Thanks mom and dad=)). I believe the event was successful. It brought many people together and our name is now known, if it wasn't before. We were able to raise money for the hurricane victims and did I mention GREAT FELLOWSHIP with those we knew and didn't know. GOD IS GOOD....ALL THE TIME....AMEN

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Well, this is a take off from Wowgirl, regarding coffee. Last week, I was taking Reese to the doc. and when I left the house my shirt was spotless. Took some coffee with me and dribble, dribble....... I have come to the realization that a clean shirt for me is impossible. In fact one time we were on our way to the zoo, and Chris drove through a mud puddle and guess where all the mud ended up...yup, right on my shirt. The window was cracked only 1/2 in. Although these are not children related incidence, most of my spots are from them...and since there are four, myself and a husband, I go through alot of Spray-N-Wash. So if you see me coming...don't look for the spots!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My grandma

As some of you know, my grandma is terminal. She has general debilitation (she is 96 years of age). However on Fri. she went to the hospital because she was in a great deal of pain, and a blood clot from her knee to her groin was discovered. OOUUCCHH. Grandma is on pain meds and appears very peaceful. I ask you to please pray for her, as she is loved greatly. Thank you so much. Love you bloggers=))).

Monday, September 05, 2005

Too Cute!!!!

This pic is too cute. I wish I would have thought of it first, because Reese would have fit the description perfectly. This baby does not look happy. Reese would have had this "bad Boy" grin on his face. Don't you agree?????

Thursday, September 01, 2005


If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP?