Well, this is a take off from Wowgirl, regarding coffee. Last week, I was taking Reese to the doc. and when I left the house my shirt was spotless. Took some coffee with me and dribble, dribble....... I have come to the realization that a clean shirt for me is impossible. In fact one time we were on our way to the zoo, and Chris drove through a mud puddle and guess where all the mud ended up...yup, right on my shirt. The window was cracked only 1/2 in. Although these are not children related incidence, most of my spots are from them...and since there are four, myself and a husband, I go through alot of Spray-N-Wash. So if you see me coming...don't look for the spots!!!!!!!
Yes, I invariably leave the house with some sort of foreign child related matter on my clothing. manicotti sticks to the wall and the shirt pretty well.
Swinging Sammy, at 7:37 PM
Even without children the spots happen. Coffee seems to be the worst offender. B4T
Doug E. Pudge, at 6:52 AM
and yea...I can just about guarantee that if I even thought about countin the coffee spots, you would quickly be able to identify more on me than on yourself...besides...I'm just happy at this point if I can leave the house without like a pork chop hanging off my shirt.
wowgirl, at 7:00 AM
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