The day you met.....

Thanks 1980 for your post...this is a take off from it. Valentines day is coming up, so I want to ask all of you..
1. How did you met your significant other???
2. How did you know that your spouse was "the one"?
1. For me, I met "Mac Daddy" on a blind date on Labor Day weekend of '95. We continued to date from then on, were engaged in 1yr. and 3 mo., and married after knowing each other for 3 years.
2. After three months of dating, there was no question in my mind that I wanted to marry Chris. He was/is truly an amazing man...generous, loving, giving, encouraging, humble, soft-spoken, kind, trusting, honest, and handsome. I could go on and on, but I know we will be together until death parts us, because we have God on our side.
This was also on the 1980 post...
We moved to Tecumseh in the summer of 1990. I was getting ready to enter my sophmore year. The very first Sunday at church I took a walk around town with the whole youth group and right in front of the Library I glanced over and saw Tonia, with her big blue eyes and glowing smile, and I was sure I was going to marry her!
That didn't come until 1999, but we started "seeing" each other around 1991 and the day of my graduation in 1993 we became official. We got engaged on Christmas Day 1997.
Russell, at 8:14 AM
I knew Vincent from High School, his last name G and so was mine so our lockers were side by side. Then in fall my senior year ('87 but I graduated in '88) he called me to find out if some other girl was available, I was to inquire. She had a boyfriend and Vincent and I struck up a great friendship for about 5 months before we went out on our first date. In December of 1988 I thought he was the guy for me! Soul mates! Been together ever since. It will be about 20 years next year we would have been together! WOW!
michelle, at 3:46 PM
I signed up to go on a short term missions team to Banff. But God had a better plan. It seemed there was not enough interest in the Banff team and God les me to join a team going to Prince Edward Is, Canada. In 1980, God reveled to me that I would not marry an American, I met my now wife Jackie on that team on August 15, 1981. She's Canadian. We were married 3 years and three days later, my favorite number has always been 33. And know, I know why. Jackie and I never dated until the night I proposed to her.
Never stop dating your spouse!
Kodiak, at 6:17 PM
Ok so clearly you are waiting for my response before yu post again, so here goes...It was a crisp winter day in January of 1997 when Sam first walked into my life. At first he was just a cocky young new grad sporting a parole officer and a wicked grin...but then he grew on me. We started taking our breaks together and after months dropping hints so heavy that they caused a mild quake when they hit the ground, I finally gave up and asked him out for cheap beer and swing dancing at The Blind Pig. That was December 26th 1997 and we have been inseparable (except for Men's retreats) ever since. Sam proposed three weeks after our first date and we were married March 11th 2000.
wowgirl, at 2:12 PM
well I have to agree I was dumb as a doorknob. I just kept thinking, "is she flirting, or just being mean?" LOL. But she grew on me too.
Swinging Sammy, at 7:44 AM
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