Christmas Parade
I am looking forward to Newsongs participation in the Christmas parade this year. I encourage everyone that can make it to come and sing Christmas carols. There will be a wagon pulled by really large horses. Those that will be walking behind the wagon will just have to dodge the.......well you get my point. I know this is yet another great opportunity that God has given us to get our name and objective out in the community. So let us take it. Be Blessed Today.
Wait a minute! Now first of all let me say amen to the parade thing. But secondly, who gave you permission to use be blessed today? Just because I went to B4T doesn't mean that I still don't own the rights to BBT! We gotta have a long talk there missy! Oh yeah, B4T
Doug E. Pudge, at 12:55 PM
Can't Wait!!
Doug, you need to use an ® if you want to claim that.
Russell, at 3:53 PM
and then after the parade stop and get some hot cocoa at our table set up in front of Cottonwood Candles. Perfect drink for a Christmas Parade, don't ya t hink?
michelle, at 4:30 PM
Did I just get pudged?? Did I?? Did I??
Four-Leaf K' lover, at 4:40 PM
So now this question must be asked: If you get Pudged and don't know it, did you really get Pudged at all? You see the power of the Pudging is in the person receiving the Puding knows that they are being Pudged! We call that Pudging with power. B4T
Doug E. Pudge, at 8:22 AM
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Four-Leaf K' lover, at 8:32 AM
Finally, a pudging. I have been waiting a long time for that. Be Magestically Sanctified Today.
Four-Leaf K' lover, at 8:50 AM
I pudge therefore I am. Not!
Kodiak, at 10:22 PM
I must say...
That is a pretty light pudging, lacked ooomph, if you know what I mean. He's probably going soft.
Swinging Sammy, at 5:02 PM
hey, don't discount the fact I was pudged. This is very honorable.
Four-Leaf K' lover, at 11:38 PM
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