That's not.......
As you all know, my children are a large part of my life, therefore my blogs tend to be child related. This one shall be no different. Most of my stories are Reese related...those that know Reese know why. He is in the habit of taking off his diaper after he has pooped and running to the bathroom. While the kids and I were over visiting Laura (Wowgirl) during our weekly get together, he decided to do this. We had just made macoroni and cheese for the kids for lunch, and then I see the bare butt running to the bathroom. A few moments later, Laura states, "Oh, that's not macoroni and cheese on the bottom of my foot". What are friends for???? Love you Laura!!!!
apparently, they are for helping you scrape poo off your shoe! LOL Wow and I had a good laugh over this one!
Swinging Sammy, at 8:24 PM
I think I actually used a clorox wipe on that one.
wowgirl, at 8:49 PM
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